Sunday, November 21, 2010

fifteen - i love my job

I am one of the lucky ones.  I have a job I love.  I know so many people who work just to work, just for the paycheck, just because it is related to their college degree.  But, I get to do what I love.  I get to laugh every day.  I get to interact with teenagers, the best people on the planet.  I get to work with intelligent, thoughtful, and caring colleagues who are just as passionate about what they do as I am.  And, my job is never repetitive; every day is new and different and exciting. 

For the past three years, I have been one of the Class of 2011's advisors.  It has been great to work with the various class officers, planning class meetings and helping out with class events.  This year, however, now that they are seniors, it is a much bigger job and is a lot more fun.  This past week was the Senior Coffeehouse - a cabaret-style show put on by the senior class to raise money for senior week events and the graduation speaker.  I'm not going to lie; early last week, I was doubtful that the show would come together.  We were concerned that we wouldn't have enough acts and that the acts we had might not be of the highest quality.  But, the dress rehearsal on Wednesday went wonderfully, and the show started coming together.  By Friday afternoon, just hours before curtain, the show was set.  And, it was good!  Actually, it was great!  Watching the students put the finishing touches on their various acts - ranging from a dance-off to a boy band documentary to a glowsticking performance - was just so much fun.  It was an amazing night. 

The best part for me, however, was being reminded of the incredible students at my school.  Not only were the performers outstanding, but so were the rest of the students in the senior class - the tech crew, the class officers, the students who worked the front of house and intermission.  They pulled together to help set up and clean up the dinner beforehand and to clean up the theater space.  No one complained, no one tried to duck out early, and everyone chipped in.  Their energy and spirits were high all night, and about halfway through the show, I realized that I was beaming with pride.  The students with whom I work never cease to amaze me.

They are also among the most thoughtful, self-reflective, and grateful teenagers that I have known.  In fact, I have recently received several notes from past students.  One student said, "I had some trouble in your class, but I think I learned for the first time how to really work hard in a science class…Thanks for helping me learn how to study effectively and never getting frustrated when I couldn’t get my head around something…Your unflappable positive attitude continually saved me from getting discouraged."

Another student wrote, "I don't think I could have handled the material with nearly as much enthusiasm if class wasn't constantly interrupted by laughter, and I don't think I would have been able to approach the class with such light-hearted humor if the material was any less challenging.  Pushing myself to my academic limit allowed me to reevaluate why I love learning in the first place; you inspired me (both with your own humor and with several sub-par grades) to start focusing on finding joy in struggling through problems, and laughing, instead of panicking, when I didn’t immediately understand something.  When I got a C on the second test, I remember that I was actually happy, because I was so proud of the fact that I wasn't very upset.  Learning that I can fail without feeling like a failure and that I can be imperfect and still be respected as a student, were by far the more important things I learned junior year, and I learned both of them in your class."

Yes, I am truly one of the lucky ones.  Thank you, CA students.  You are amazing in so many ways - from your self-reflection and gratitude to your limitless artistic talents.  You make me constantly grateful to be part of this community. 

And, to the seniors:  Thank you for surprising me in the best of ways.  Here's to another fantastic six months together!